Merry Christmas! What does this mean?

Did you say, “Merry Christmas”?

I know, Christmas is coming soon. It’s just less than a month away. Are you starting your busy schedule yet?

I can imagine you are busy shopping and buying all sort of things to decorate your beautiful home. Yes, glittering ornaments hanging on a Christmas trees at the corner of your living hall is a class of its own. You feel good that you have a share of this holiday season.

Of course you will not let the church goes bare during Christmas season, right? You will volunteer yourself to put up the most traditional nativity scene at the church’s entrance. A small wooden bed surrounded by hays and sticks; may be a small little doll sleeping on the bed. How about putting up a few cattle around it, it adds to the Christmas atmosphere.

One more thing, your children must join the church’s carol team. When they stand up there wearing their best outfits, singing with cheers and confidence, your face will beam with happiness and pride. “Haven’t I brought up my children well? Look at them. They are the shining stars among the other children.” Parents are usually not objective when they come to looking at their own children. 🙂

Are these Christmas all about?

I came across the following video which I thought captured the heart cry of those who truly know the meaning of Christmas. Go ahead and listen to it and tell me what you think about it.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

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