5 Suggestions to rekindle the romance in your marriage

5 Suggestions to rekindle the romance in your marriage

FishingHave you ever felt that your marriage has lost the steam where you first met your spouse? Remember how you longed to see him or her everyday and secretly wishing that time could stand still when you both met. Today, you seem to live everyday just like any other day. You don’t get excited over your relationship with your spouse anymore. You’ve no expectation on your marriage, family and even your own life anymore. It’s really a sad state to be in.

Imagine you can rekindle the romance that once filled the air that both of you breathe.It’s not difficult. You don’t have to take a big leap but regularly taking small and definite steps to make that flame alive again. I read these suggestions in one of the books and I thought they are useful and practical for most of us to do. I hope to share with you these simple but very powerful ways to achieve just the rekindled fire. 🙂

I don’t find practicing these easy either. When the routine sets in, we face the daily challenges, to practice and maintain the fire in our relationship with our spouse is probably the last thing in our minds. Being more Chinese educated and brought up in a family where my father never shows affection to my mom in public makes it doubly hard to do that. Well, it may not be easy but if you think that is important to you, you will at least put in effort to try. Happy trying, everyone.


  1. Make a list of the special days that you celebrate together, such as the day you met, a monthly or yearly anniversary date, or even the anniversary of a special date from your past. On these days make a point to spend some quality time together. Cook a special meal, buy a card, write a short letter and let your spouse know that you didn’t forget these beautiful days.
  2. Toast each other when you sit down to dinner. It doesn’t need to be over bubbly or wine, but even a glass of water or iced tea. Tell your mate something you love about him or her and then drink to it!
  3. Let your spontaneous side show through. Taking someone for granted can be the result of getting stuck in a bad routine. Break the routine by meeting up after work if that is something you don’t normally do. Allow for more romance in your life.
  4. Take pictures together regularly. If you don’t do that everyday, try to pose in front of a camera at least once a week. Don’t save the camera for holidays and special occasions. Create a visual scrapbook of your everyday lives together. I can guarantee you that you both will appreciate the warmth of the moment when you see those snapshots in an album down the road.
  5. Set something aside for your spouse every day. It might be a magazine article you read during your commute, a link to a website you came across, or even a story you heard at the office water cooler. They will appreciate that you took a moment to think of them during the course of your day.

These are not difficult things to do, right? Before the daily routine overcomes you both, set these little habits into action and they will act as lubricants for your marriage relationship.

Love fruits

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